
(419) 475-6673

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Dental Implants

If you are dealing with the challenge of missing teeth, dental implants are a great solution. Dental implants are permanent anchors that integrate with the jawbone to provide a stable base for long-term tooth replacement. Because dental implants become part of the jaw, they look and feel like natural teeth. They don’t move or slip around while you eat or talk, making them the number one option for tooth replacement.Revered as the “gold standard” in tooth replacement, dental implants rejuvenate your oral well-being, smile aesthetics, and dental functionality, ensuring benefits for decades to come. 

Dental implants consist of three key components—the post, abutment, and restoration—that mirror the function of natural teeth. The post mimics the roots of your teeth, becoming anchored into your jawbone. The abutment acts as a connector between the post and the artificial tooth, or restoration. By securing directly into your jawbone, implants support single crowns, dental bridges, and comprehensive solutions such as implant-supported dentures and full mouth dental restorations (all-on-fours, all-on-sixes). Our team at Hires Dental Care in Toledo, Ohio, possesses extensive expertise in dental implants, employing cutting edge advanced technology and top-quality materials to ensure the enduring success of your dental implants. To ensure a high rate of success, we design and manufacture implant surgical guides in-house. 

You can enjoy the benefits of dental implants today, including: 

  • Restoring proper biting and chewing to enjoy your favorite foods 
  • Aesthetically enhancing your smile to make it feel beautiful and natural 
  • A complete transformation to dramatically boost your self-confidence 
  • Positive effects on oral and overall physical health 
  • A markedly improved overall quality of life 

We offer multiple sedation options to help alleviate pain during your surgery. Learn more about our sedation options here:

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Contact us today to get an appointment scheduled. We want to help you reach the smile of your dreams!

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when you start Invisalign this month get an electric toothbrush or teeth whitening kit free + a goodie bag