
(419) 475-6673

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If you are ready to straighten your crooked teeth, we have a time-tested alternative for you! Invisalign® clear aligners offer the discreet, comfortable treatment, and amazing results you desire for your smile. Our dentists at Hires Dental Care have special training and provide personalized treatment. With your dental and orthodontic care completed at the same office, we can provide a higher quality of care and ensure you have great oral health for life.

Simple, Comfortable Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is a fully digital process, meaning we’ll begin your treatment by taking digital impressions using our comfortable intraoral scanner. You won’t have to endure messy, gag-inducing impressions! Using these precise impressions, your series of clear aligners will be custom-made to fit comfortably over your teeth and along your gum line. When worn for 20-22 hours each day and replaced with the next aligner in the series every two weeks, your teeth will gently and efficiently move into place. Along with being virtually invisible, these clear aligners are also removable, so they won’t hinder your daily life.

Good Candidates
You are a good candidate for Invisalign if you have generally crooked teeth, an over or underbite, a crossbow, open bite, gapped teeth, or crowded teeth. If you’ve ever had a desire for straighter teeth then you’d be a great candidate for Invisalign.

Why Our Patients Love Invisalign
Our Invisalign in Toledo, OH provides many significant benefits for our patients. Invisalign clear aligners are removable and allow you to maintain your normal brushing and flossing routine without additional maintenance. Removable aligners also mean you can continue to eat your normal diet without fearing you’ll snap a wire or pop off a bracket, as is common with braces. Additionally, the discreet nature of Invisalign makes it a great choice for active, social, or professional individuals who don’t want the inconvenience or unsightliness of traditional orthodontic treatment in Toledo, OH.

Invisalign generally costs more than traditional braces, but for many patients, the benefits are what matter the most. Many dental insurances will cover Invisalign just as they do braces, and we can help you maximize these benefits. For additional assistance paying for treatment, or if you don’t have insurance, we offer CareCredit® dental financing. This option allows you to pay for your treatment over a select number of months (sometimes with zero interest) instead of all at once at the start of your treatment. Our orthodontist and caring team is here to help you in any situation, so you can get the smile you desire with Invisalign.

Request an Appointment

Contact us today to get an appointment scheduled. We want to help you reach the smile of your dreams!

Special Offer


when you start Invisalign this month get an electric toothbrush or teeth whitening kit free + a goodie bag